Configure WSO2 APIM with LDAP as a user-store in 2 mins

Dinusha Dissanayake
2 min readSep 2, 2018


Suppose you want to check the functionality of WSO2 APIM with LDAP as the user-store. For this, you need WSO2 APIM and IS packs.

If you have the relevant products downloaded already, you can setup these within 2 mins.

Before going into details, let me explain what is going to happen here. By default WSO2 APIM comes with JDBC user-store manager. But on the other hand WSO2 IS comes with a LDAP user-store by default.

What we are going to do is, start an IS server with a port offset so that it doesn’t conflict with WSO2 APIM ports.

Then, once there is a WSO2 IS server up and running, I could switch userstore of WSO2 APIM to LDAP user-store in IS server.

Here is how it is done.

Step 1

Start WSO2 IS server with a port offset (Eg: with port offset 1) with following command within the <IS_HOME>/bin location.

sh -DportOffset=1

Step 2

Swap userstore in <APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/user-mgt.xml with the userstore in <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/user-mgt.xml. Remember to comment/remove the existing JDBC userstore manager once you configure the LDAP userstore in <APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/user-mgt.xml.

By default, IS LDAP userstore is open on port 10389. Since we have included a port offset(1) while starting the server, we will have to change the port accordingly of connection URL property in APIM user-mgt.xml as follows.

<Property name=”ConnectionURL”>ldap://localhost:10390</Property>

Start the wso2 server.

Here you go. 2 mins over and you just configured a LDAP as the user-store for the API Manager. Now you can work in APIM and check the LDAP user store functionalities without any issue.

Cheers …!

